Growing Sacha Inchi benefits both consumers and growers.

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The Sacha Inchi seed has been cultivated and consumed ever since the Inca people of South America first harvested before modern times. It’s been a characteristic element of the andine region agriculture ever since and locals have passed along the knowledge through each generation. In present day, their economy is much more complex, but this superfood has shown to adapt fairly well with the farmers that are in need to innovate in an already competitive industry.

Because the seed is rich in protein, amino acids and omega 3, farmers in South America have chosen to move on from animal oils so they can take better advantage of their soil. The geological landscape is already chemically compatible with the plant’s nutrition needs so human intervention is not heavily required. For example, interfering with excessive fertilizers or chemicals like nitrogen can make the plant grow but not reap the fruit where the seed is.

By taking the cautions that growing produce like Sacha Inchi need, farmers are both better protected from pollution, and are less affected by their own economic environment.

Non genetically invasive or chemically driven production methods allow farming communities to merge by trading information and protocols. They can lobby for better support by their government official and attract foreign investment. Most importantly, permanent harvest can be expected once the first fruit comes out. This means reliable income for the producers.

The benefits that this grain has for humans range from strengthening the human muscles, prevents heart disease and helps to keep skin healthy and youthful. This is the reason why is sought after, not only as a food, but for several cosmetic and pharmaceutical purposes.

Keeping organic and GMO free practices allows for the producers to keep low costs of production and because of its use in different markets, when fairly traded, represent great revenue for the andine and amazonian communities. An example of a win-win economy, Sacha Inchi consumers are directly benefiting the producers lifestyle and overall developing south american agriculture into a more sustainable and profitable one.


Ambien TV (August 15th 2016) “La Ruta del Sacha Inchi” Ministery of Enviroment – Peru. Taken from:

Angel, Juan Gonzalo (April 08th 2015) “Cómo producir aceite de Sacha Inchi” TV Agro. Taken from:

Garmendia et Al. (2011) “Effect of sacha inchi oil (plukenetia volúbilis l) on the lipid profile of patients with hyperlipoproteinem” Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health. Lima, Peru. DOI:

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