Honoring the Chichimeca culture in Mineral de Pozos, Mexico.

piloncillo, panela, sugar, cane, sweetener
Amazon, camu camu, habitat, natural, organic, superfood
Natural habitat of the Camu Camu berry is the Amazon river.
Mesquite, mexico, organic, superfood

Mesquite, mexico, organic, superfood

A ceremony in Mineral de Pozos, a town in the center part of Mexico which is natural habitat for Mesquite tree which grows in the dry fields and supplies valued pods to the local population.
Pre-colonial diets offered indigenous cultures a well balanced diet including corn and plenty of other vegetables including ground mesquite pods. Modern Mexico still maintains many traditions from ancient cultures that keep rituals alive, such as honoring the gods and placing altars with food offerings on sacred ceremonies such as the one above.

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